- Kids -

It ain't Ronald's fault. Be fair!

Posted by: Mad Monzer ( Westminster School, England ) on April 08, 1997 at 16:13:30:

In Reply to: Animals rule! posted by McAnimalLover on March 25, 1997 at 11:10:18:

: Ronald McDonald makes me sick! That little innocent act, like he had nothing to do with the killing of all those poor animals, and that poor tree in the rainforest! Well, I'm not falling for it! Tell him he's been caught, and please ask him to stop his mean ways. He'd make alot more money if he also offered veggieburgers for vegetarians like me!

Ronald McDonald has nothing to do with rainforest destruction. He is just a guy in a silly-looking suit who has to do it to keep himself in beer. He probably doesn't even support McDonald's

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