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Re: Animals do rule

Posted by: Andy ( US ) on March 27, 1997 at 12:52:10:

In Reply to: Animals rule! posted by McAnimalLover on March 25, 1997 at 11:10:18:

McAnimalLover, I admire you and your aggressive attitude toward the ever so famous clown. I completely agree. You mentioned that you wished that McDonalds had veggieburgers for you and all other vegetarians. Actually, if I'm not mistaken, they do. I haven't had one myself, but I sure wouldn't mind trying one. The only thing about trying one of their veggieburgers, is the fact that I would be supporting McDonalds and everything they stand for, and I don't want to do that. I myself, will stick to Taco Bell, and those deliscous 7 layer burritos. Damn, I love those things! I just know someone is going to write me now, and tell me what's wrong with Taco Bell and my 7 layer burritos. Oh well, let's here it.

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