- Kids -

Re: Happy Meal toys made with child labor?

Posted by: Shawn Morton ( Canada ) on December 21, 1996 at 17:43:53:

In Reply to: Happy Meal toys made with child labor? posted by rviray on October 05, 1996 at 17:27:56:

> I notice that those little toys are all stamped "Made in China."
> Having recently read a report on child/slave labor in Asia, I now
> wonder if those toys are subcontracted (or otherwise) to child
> laborers. Does anyone have any information on this? I would write
> to the corporate headquarters, but I already know the answer
> I'll receive.

I to have thought about this issue. I have yet to see any toys that
are not made in China. Now alot of the toys appear to be joint
arrangemnets with Disney. If anyone has any info please send an Email to me.


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