- Kids -

Leaflets at school

Posted by: Pete ( UK ) on November 24, 1996 at 23:50:43:

About 4 weeks ago I went up town with my bestfriend. Both of us
got given a leaflet about what's wrong with McDonald's outside the shopping
centre. My mate and I just put them in our pockets. Then about a
week ago, my friend showed me the leaflet. After reading the leaflet, it
made me so upset about what they do.

My friend and I decided we wanted to do something about it so we went to our
head teacher and asked if we could put the leaflet on the school noticeboard
but she said no because she can get sued or something like that but she said
we could send off for some leaflets to give out at school.

So you could say I'm writing this letter to see if you'd give us some free leaflets.
We would also like to set up a local Kids Against McDonald's group.


McSpotlight replies:

The McLibel Support Campaign is sending you some leaflets.
Your head teacher really should not worry about having the
leaflet available in school. McDonald's have not attempted
to sue anyone over the A5 version of the leaflet and all its
claims can be supported by evidence from the McLibel trial.
Anyway, enjoy leafleting your school and good luck with setting
up your own campaign group. Let us know how you get on.

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