- Kids -

Re: kids and mcdonalds

Posted by: Jenn L ( Canada ) on November 08, 1996 at 07:25:34:

In Reply to: kids and mcdonalds posted by A.J. on June 26, 1996 at 10:39:46:

> The only reason kids want to go to mcdonalds is because of their
> cheap toys and a big ugly clown named Ronald with size 50 shoes.

Of course the only reason kids go to McDonald's is for the clown and
the toys. The only goal of a four year-old is fun. At McDonald's parents
get a break. If their kid spills their drink who really cares?
Some pimple-faced, underpaid kid gets to clean it up.
Parents give in to McDonald's so they can have a break,
and McDonald's is doing it's best to convince them that
their food isn't all that bad for the kids to have a couple
of times a week. The parents want to buy it so they do.

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