- Kids -

unhealthy in some way

Posted by: Sucks not on January 10, 1998 at 15:11:52:

In Reply to: Mcdonalds sucks posted by Benjamin Carp on January 06, 1998 at 19:16:46:

: I will never eat at McDonalds again, go there again, work there, or even profess to like them. McDonalds exploits children, serves unhealthy food, underpays workers, crushes competition, and destroys anyone who bothers to take a stand against them.

: Sincerely,
: Benjamin Carp
: 01/06/98

All the food that you eat is unhealthy in some way, it has chemicles and who knows what else. Yes it may be unhealthy but it taste better than stuff that is good for you. If the pay is so little find a different job. In the fast food marker it is McDonalds, but the Car market has one, the insurance companany, Walmart wipes out entire towns and sells products made by little kids who get 2 cents a hour.

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