- Kids -

almost as low as is humanly possible

Posted by: Ekaf Eman ( Australia ) on October 14, 1997 at 09:17:10:

In Reply to: it keeps them happy, doesn't it? posted by Graham Donaldson on July 01, 1996 at 14:46:53:

: : The only reason kids want to go to mcdonalds is because of their
: : cheap toys and a big ugly clown named Ronald with size 50 shoes.

: And..?
: There is absolutely nothing wrong with the company providing a clown
: which kids like and some cheap toys..it keep them happy doesn't it?

: Kids *like* McDonald's burgers nobody forces them to eat the damn things

You'd *like* something too if it was crammed in your face every time you turned on the TV or went for a walk. If a multi-nationalist corporation wants to sink almost as low as is humanly possible then they can make their target audience kids. Kids are impressionable, and if you get some hooked and convinced that they are on a good thing (through the brainwashing of advertisng) then they will grow up and be CONVINCED that Mcdonalds is the new church and Ronnie McReagan is their Messiah. (ok that was an exageration but you get the point)

Your friend
Ekaf. >:)

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