- Kids -

I don't know where you get your ideas from

Posted by: peand ( Sweden ) on August 06, 1996 at 11:55:08:

In Reply to: kids? posted by miriam on July 10, 1996 at 19:05:11:

> Well, I have a few friends working at the joint and they say that mcdonalds don┤t make any money on the kids but on the parents who are forced to take their kids there.

Hi Miriam

I also have lots of friends working there and I've
seen all profitcalculations and I can tell you that
McD is making a poor profit if any on the
Happy meal.

On the other hand they are not making any higher profit
on the parents than on any other grown up

It all adds up to I don't know where you get your
ideas from.



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