- Creative Writing -

Underheard in America, 1998

Posted by: Quincunx on January 12, 1998 at 02:12:50:

In Reply to: Re: Overheard at the Paris Commune, 1871 posted by Jerry Kreps on December 31, 1997 at 14:42:56:

J. Kreps: A friend of mine visited the USSR in the early eighties. He told me about the most common saying in Russia - "Investia and Pravda, news and truth. There is no news in the truth and no truth in the news." The greatest impression he got from the heart of world socialism, the utopia of the working class, was that the soviet working class was still trapped in a 1930's style depression, but not the communist elite.

Qx: Then I must say that your friend didn't really look much further then the surface features and perhaps didn't understand that the Soviet Union wasn't Communist or Socialist but actually state-capitalist.

J.Kreps: And then, there is that nastly little Berlin Wall, with a bright modern happy free society on the west side and another 1930 style worker's utopia on the east side. The CNN live broadcast showing the east germans destroying their own wall - do you think it was staged? That single man standing in front of the tank in the square - another captilist plot?

Qx: It's easy to be bedazzled by Western media but there was no plot happening at all but actually a structural breakdown that was inevitable. I could see it coming by the late seventies while the CIA, the State Department and the vast majority of Americans believed that the Soviet Union was Communist and that the people therein really believed in the official party line from Moscow.

Apparently a lot of Americans still believe that to be the case and that's why US intelligence failed abysmally in analysing that situation correctly while other Western intelligence agencies like the Germans ,British and the French predicted the outcome at a deacde in advance. As long as US intelligence keeps believing these sort of things the more that the US intelligence community will keep failing to ascertain global situations within the proper contexts.

J.Kreps: Workers of the world unite! The only thing you have to cast off is the oppression of the Kark Marx wanna be's and power hungry Lenin clones! Unless, of course, you enjoy living in the 1930's or like being on the receiving end of another starvation campaign like the one Krushechv inflicted on the Ukranian peasents. He did it for the children, didn't he?

Qx: Of course you missed the mark by a long shot and assume that EC is a supporter of the Soviet Union. Better luck next time and here's some reading material.

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