- Creative Writing -

Other sources for poetry on the net

Posted by: Reggie ( USA ) on July 22, 1996 at 19:52:08:

In Reply to: I'd use poems in my class posted by Barb Kimball on July 09, 1996 at 01:13:31:

> Liked your poem! I teach English at the high school level
> and would encourage more readers to write these.
> I'd use them in my class!

For the benefit of others looking for poetry on-line, here
>is a brief list of some of some places to try.

My favorite place to start with is

The Poetry Exchange - http://poetryx.guinet.com

it even has a powerful search engine to help you find the
poem for every occasion.

The rest of the list I have not tested and are taken from a
list provided on another great site for poetry,
Articulate - http://www.mightymedia.com/articulata/

AHA!POETRY - http://www.faximum.com/aha!poetry

Baron Poetry Network - http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/BaronVon/poetryby.htm

Bearlife: Women's Writing Advocate - http://www.camel.com/bearlife

CyberPages Poet Centre - http://www.cyberpages.com/poem.html

Enchanted - http://sgtec.com/tammy/tammy2.html

Fifth Essence - http://www.twics.com/~jazzman/fifthe.html

Five Hundred Pieces - http://www2.corenet.net/jmatthew/

Illya's Honey - http://members.aol.com/swbrodie/honey/

Interactive Poetry Places - http://www.csd.net/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/cantelow/poem_view.pl/pub///13

Makar - http://rupert.mhv.net/~poi/makar.html

Moonsisters - http://gertrude.art.uiuc.edu/@art/transition/bea/homepage.html

Poet's Park - http://www.soos.com/poetpark

Shades of Grey - http://www.aa.net/~greyone/writings.html

The Albany Poetry Workshop - http://www.sonic.net/web/albany/workshop/

The Equinox - http://w3.one.net/~jonesdc/index.html

The Free Cuisenart - http://www.stjpub.com/cca/ccazine.html

Follow Ups:


The Poetry Exchange - http://poetryx.guinet.com
it even has a powerful search engine to help you find the
poem for every occasion.

The rest of the list I have not tested and are taken from a
list provided on another great site for poetry,
Articulate - http://www.mightymedia.com/articulata/

AHA!POETRY - http://www.faximum.com/aha!poetry

Baron Poetry Network - http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/BaronVon/poetryby.htm

Bearlife: Women's Writing Advocate - http://www.camel.com/bearlife

CyberPages Poet Centre - http://www.cyberpages.com/poem.html

Enchanted - http://sgtec.com/tammy/tammy2.html

Fifth Essence - http://www.twics.com/~jazzman/fifthe.html

Five Hundred Pieces - http://www2.corenet.net/jmatthew/

Illya's Honey - http://members.aol.com/swbrodie/honey/

Interactive Poetry Places - http://www.csd.net/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/cantelow/poem_view.pl/pub///13

Makar - http://rupert.mhv.net/~poi/makar.html

Moonsisters - http://gertrude.art.uiuc.edu/@art/transition/bea/homepage.html

Poet's Park - http://www.soos.com/poetpark

Shades of Grey - http://www.aa.net/~greyone/writings.html

The Albany Poetry Workshop - http://www.sonic.net/web/albany/workshop/

The Equinox - http://w3.one.net/~jonesdc/index.html

The Free Cuisenart - http://www.stjpub.com/cca/ccazine.html


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