- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Bursting the

Posted by: Quincunx ( IWW, WhereSproutcan'tHandletheWinters ) on December 05, 1997 at 10:25:27:

In Reply to: Whats wrong with communism II posted by Mike Sprout on December 04, 1997 at 20:22:47:

MS: By the way, rest assure that Sprout is indeed a "HE"

Qx: That is definitely an indicator of a fragile ego. For starts Sprout goes along with the old red-baiting tactic that may have been useful forty five years ago but has been a source of laughter ever since.Perhaps he's learning disabled. That's a common feature of many pro-capitalist types. That explains the "commie" thing a bit.

It's/Sprout's claim to rationality is about as sound as the Ontario government's honesty. Nobody seems to like him here. Not even procapitalists like Rocky, cappie, dee isner and Mike Bacon. He has stated that "I like Harris and Manning too." and "the further the right the better." One can only wonder how far gone he is with something like that.

Sprout hasn't responded to many of my rebuttals but then perhaps that's because his views have been debunked. That's hard to admit to so instead he takes refuge in calling these rebuttals "ridiculous" and claims that the responses didn't get through. Oh well, there's always an excuse.

For someone who claims to be proudly Canadian he sure wouldn't mind escaping the Canadian winter by going to Australia. I hope Rocky barbecues him there and feeds him to the roos. On second thought that would be cruelty to animals. Just fry him good Rocky.

If he's so proudly Canadian then why does he support the policies of a provincial government that will lay waste to his claim that it is rated by the UN as the best place to live in the world? If he's such a free market supporter then how can he call himself a conservative? What does he conserve? Canadian sovereignty? After all Mulroney screwed Canada by signing NAFTA. Even John A. McDonald (Canada's first prime minister. Not the burger chef.) would laugh at Mike Sprout.

He states that he is agnostic. Perhaps he means that he has no knowledge. That would be a more apt description. He even states that he is a Generation X-er. Didn't Billy Idol start up that band in the Seventies? Wasn't that a science fiction term of the Fifties? Either way he exposes himself as a media construct of sorts. Correct me if I'm wrong folks.

His claims to rationality break wind in the strangest of ways. It's the bubble he constructed for himself and nothing can burst it. As far as he's concerned. He claims that E.C. is creating fears of food and other products to the point of hysteria and then asks him if he is trying to suggest that McDonald's food is healthier than soy beans.So much for claims to rationality.

There's more than an element of projection on Sprout's part when he throws his claim to rationality out the proverbial window. It's called self-serving conceit. But then again that could be speculation on my part. After all this is a diminished medium where we really don't know who we're communicating with. In Sprout's case I couldn't honestly call his postings communication. Slightly humorous but not communicaton. Haven't we dealt with this before??

P.S.: Nix the Diet Coke. The water is clean here.

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