- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Attribute this to my apparent naivete

Posted by: Comrade Green ( ( USproutA ) on December 02, 1997 at 11:23:47:

In Reply to: Sprout does not care, so let's switch gears posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on December 01, 1997 at 12:59:22:

: Comrade Green sez:

: : Excuse me, but why do you say that no communist society has ever succeeded? I thought that we had long since cleared up this arguement, but I'll say it one more time: TRUE COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM HAS NEVER BEFORE BEEN TRIED.

: It's safe to say that Sprout does not like communism or its adherents, and is dismissing this above issue outright. So let's skip the debate about "true communism" with Sprout (who will only embarrass himself in our eyes) and proceed to the meta-issue: what kind of dialogue will raise consciousness?

Attribute this to my apparent naivete, but I'm not sure I completely understand your comment.

If you have read any of my other messages you have learned that I am indeed a socialist and I defend true socialism and communism. How is reminding everyone that true (world) socialism has yet to be put into effect, 'dismissing the issue'?

I am failing to understand even the nature of this comment. I hope that in the future we will be able to hold a pleasant discussion of our ideas. I am sure that you have a lot of worth-while things to say, which I (and the rest of this Room) will be interested in hearing. Thank you!!!
PS Who is to say that 'Sprout' is a 'him'???

Follow Ups:

  • Trivial post Samuel Day Fassbinder Citizens for a Sustainable Aztlan Aztlan December 02 1997 (0)

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