- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Good point, but read this, please.

Posted by: Comrad Zeus ( USA ) on December 02, 1997 at 01:25:30:

In Reply to: Incentive and Money posted by Stu on December 01, 1997 at 16:03:59:

Hi Stu,

Well you have a perfectly good thinking there... but I do not htink you quite got the point of communism. Communism comes from the word commun... or a community... it stands for peace and equalism within the community. I call myself a communist becuase I believe in working for my fellow comrads and for my country. People need to understand that in communism you must work for your country and your comrads and if they are happy and your country is doing good... well there is your intensive. Another thing Capitalism invtes greedy people and horasses the poor.. as you can see Bill Gates is getting richer and those people working in the fields, are just as poor as they were! Also I am sure you have heard the saying Money Isn't Everything.. and I strongly believe in that, I mean I have not seen one happy billioneer... all of them millioneers once they get rich all they care about is getting rivher... by the way did you know that 7 of the richest people in the world could end poverty in the world alone if they gave all their money to them as they make it? See an ideal communist governemnt would do this for you and hopefully there would be only 1 class: the higher class (depending on the waelth of the country). The only thing missing for this system is the followers to unite and a leader to lead them (a leader with such high morals as Lenin, Marx, Tito (especially this guy, look him up immidiately if you do not know him), and Castro.. ect!).

well that is it for now... I hope this helps and if you have any questions at all please feel free! Also I am not forcing you to believe in this.. there is some bad sides to Communism such as not being able to vote for your leaders... and.. thats the only one I can come up with right now so I guess you could say I don't believe in communism but rather a reformed communism!

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