- Capitalism and Alternatives -

or don't: the oil will run out anyway

Posted by: Samuel Day Fassbinder ( Citizens for Mustard Greens, Aztlan ) on December 01, 1997 at 13:06:39:

In Reply to: Unite on one principle posted by The Everett Citizen on November 27, 1997 at 19:46:35:

EC says:
: So let's unite on one principle: getting beyond capitalism

please check out the connections to this link, EC. Please especially look at the World Scientists' 1992 Warning to Humanity. Anyone with brains can understand that the current system won't last forever even if we all willed it. They just have to avoid being in denial about the coming transformations that will befall human society when the oil runs out.

To sum it all up: "getting beyond capitalism" is the advanced class. The first task at hand, for many readers of this Debating Forum, is getting beyond denial.

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