- Capitalism and Alternatives -

how many people actually WANT capitalism abolished?

Posted by: Comrade Green ( USA ) on December 01, 1997 at 12:59:51:

In Reply to: Unite on one principle posted by The Everett Citizen on November 27, 1997 at 19:46:35:

Comrade Mike, your suggestion is wonderful--I agree completely.

Now this sets me thinking, though--how many people do you think actually WANT capitalism abolished??? Because I would think that a rather large portion (if not majority) of the world would like to see this terror done away with--forever!!! What do you Comrades think??? If only the priveleged are in favor of capitalism, then that would constitute only a tiny minority of the world. And from THIS, we can conclude that if every person who disagreed with capitalism actually DID something about it...well, WOW.

See what I'm saying, Comrades??? So if I'm even partly correct with all of this, then what is the next step towards ACTUAL REVOLUTION---the abolishment of capitalism? But then again, I could be wrong--I don't really know. Maybe the majority of this world DOES favor capitalism. Help me out here, Comrades. I hope you can all see what I'm getting at!!! Your Comrade Says Thank You!!!

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