- Capitalism and Alternatives -

its not a religion.

Posted by: GERARD, ALSO A CITIZEN ( Multi-tendency Socialists, N.Ireland ) on November 27, 1997 at 13:34:19:

In Reply to: Socialists Unite! posted by Comrade Green on November 27, 1997 at 10:31:17:

: Why is it that if you meet 10 so-called 'socialists' you'll get 10 different definitions of what 'socialism' is? Comrades, how can we ever achieve our goal of world socialism if we can't even agree among ourselves???
: So, I'm posting a major shout-out to all of my brothers and sisters out there--come together, so we can focus our energies on the rest of the capitalist world, and not on internal quarrels!!!

I agree entirely comrade, read my reply to your previous posting on what is to be multi-tendency or at least tolerant of others opinion.

There can be no exact definition of what it is to be socialist, its not a religion.

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