- Capitalism and Alternatives -

The disaster of capitalism is proved today

Posted by: Jeroen ( SJW, Belgium ) on November 19, 1997 at 12:33:44:

In Reply to: Capitalism - the only rational and true system posted by Philip Bartlett on November 11, 1997 at 10:15:58:

I just surfed in on the McLibel Page, read that message of a confused neoliberal mind and it just made me laugh.

Sorry, but we have to admire the courage of this guy who claims that "capitalism is fair". After taking a look at the McLibelPage, he should have concluded that this statement is equivalent with e.g. "the earth is flat". But he didn't. Why? The reason is probably the constant desinformation distributed by the mega-media; CNN, NBC, the (capitalist) journals and so on. Or maybe he just has become mad.

In fact, the whole discussion about capitalism-communism has been made before us, by thinkers as Marx, Lenin, Trotski, .... and their adversants.The most important point is that capitalism is fundamentaly UNFAIR, because the capitalist is definitely the exploiter of a whole mass of workers.

The disaster of capitalism is proved today. We all see the environmental catastrophes, the unability of capitalism to solve the situation in the Third World, even its unability to solve poverty in the USfuckingA or West-Europe. The list of problems, unsolved by capitalism, is of course much longer then this two simple examples. I would like to discuss this much further, but anyone with a clear mind can find his/her own examples.

And what to think of the collapse of "communism" in the USSR? The point is that this communism was just a rape of the "true" marxism. The disaster is just an example of how a theory can be misapplied - and a warning for us, marxists. Almost the whole problem is due to that Stalinfigure. After Lenin and his proletarian revolutionaries destroyed tsarism and the feudal Russian economy, they began to build the new Society; it's true that this wasn't realised fully in the period 1917-1924, but one has to keep in mind the difficult situation in Russian at this stage: war, constant fight against the foreign anti-revolutionary forces and against -very important- the people who lost their power (the "goverment", say the dictature).Stalin however was an opportunist pseudo-marxist, who's aim was not the Liberation of the Mankind but just Power. Ugly.

But when we see the enormous problems facing us, we shouldn't keep talking about the past. Socialism will save us from poverty, discrimination etc. (This is a promise , not a dogma.) Maybe one day we'll be free.... This struggle is full of difficulties, but we'll overcome.

I would like to discuss - or just chat - much further about this subject. Please mail me.

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