- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Now that you've responded

Posted by: Quincunx on November 14, 1997 at 20:48:14:

In Reply to: Sorry I haven't responded quicker... posted by Mike Sprout on November 14, 1997 at 11:15:35:

MS: Sorry I haven't responded quicker...Volatile financial markets are keeping my attention elsewhere. I didn't know you were such a fan of mine.

Qx: I'm not a fan of yours but it sure is fun debunking your views that you hold in high esteem.

MS: While of course there will be hardship in the transition, all people will be better off when the move to capitalism is complete. Consider, do you think the poor in Russia were better off under communism than the poor in Canada are?

Qx: I like that one.The "hardship in the transition" bit about Russia's move to capitalism. You must have really thought that one out rigorously. Or is corporate media just pushing the right buttons?

You even intimate that Russia was communist.In fact it was state-capitalist.Read earlier posts in this section that debunk the idea about Russia ever being "communist". But despite that misnomer you continue to apply to the ex-Soviet Union the poor in Russia were better off under the old regime in Russia than the poor in the USA.

A comparison of Canada's current poverty level (which is rising) with the poverty level in the ex-Soviet Union showed that there was a generally lower level of homelessness in Russia (post WWII) in contrast to a once low level of homelessness in Canada that is now rising.So actually, the level of poverty in Canada is probably a bit better than Russia's now but I wouldn't be surprised to see the level of poverty in Canada rise to the point of parity with Russia's in a few years. Especially with a bunch of Ayn Rand disciples who are Reagan-Thatcher fans running around on the rightwing fringes of Canadian politics nowadays.

Witness the criminal cabal (yes, that's right CRIMINAL) that shields Mike(Six toe)Harris in Ontario. The Bradgate group and the inner circle in Harris's cabinet have really f**ked up that province.They're gonna have a hard time getting re-elected. Are people like Debbie (Jabba the Hutt) really believers in democracy?

If you identify with this bunch then why the hell do you say you are "proudly Canadian". I think you're hiding behind the flag just like US rightwingers. When you proclaim your "Canadianness" you besmirch the name of Canada.Just my opinion (and I'm not alone).

MS: I don't recall ever arguing that vegetarianism will cure all the worlds problems, just that it would be good for the environment, good for the populations health, and would greatly reduce starvation.

Qx: It's about time you made that clear.

MS: I don't think I will qualify for any welfare under Harris. He has done too good a job reforming the system to ensure that there will always be funds available for the truly needy.

Qx: Yes. The truly needy like his corporate welfare buddies. Get in good with that bunch and you just might qualify.

MS: I was happy to see you recomend books by Diane Francis, one of Canada's most prominant right wing journalists. I am a big fan of hers and her pro Reform views.

Qx: I knew I'd catch you on that. Since you're so "proudly Canadian" you should take note that Diane Francis is American born and educated and from Chicago. Now get to the index in Linda McQuaig's book THE QUICK AND THE DEAD and look up "Frances,Diane". There's a bit of research done that you should jump for joy about.

While you're at it check out SNOW JOB:Canada,the Untited States and Vietnam(1954 to 1973) by Charles Taylor. It's a bit of education Canadians of all ages can make use of.

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