- Capitalism and Alternatives -

That's because they don't read enough

Posted by: Quincunx ( IWW ) on October 26, 1997 at 23:47:13:

In Reply to: Most Americans are content posted by Jake Woods on October 23, 1997 at 09:46:47:

: Who cares? Why become an anarchist you will never change anything?

Lots of people care but the corporate media in the USA has cultivated a picture that leaves the people who really care out of the spotlight.

: To even become effective in causing changes in society, you would have to have at the very least a major part of the population backing you, and with these ideas that will never happen. In all major revolutions in history, good or bad, a majority of the population wanted them to come about, but in america even with all its problems most are content. People complaining to the government is good because it lets them know that there are problems, but the reality is that america is still one of the better places to live in this world.

Social change has always happened from a individuals realizing the need for change.Then a trend happens in which more and more people start realizing that the collective society is on the wrong track such as the Vietnam War era, when millions protested against the military-industrial complex. One of the main successes of corporate media in America is to get people to think that the changes in that era
were failures and to a great extent they were successful. By 1991 the
American public supported the Iraq War by an estimated 90%. Now revelations are popping up about all the fakery and lying that was required to get public opinion swayed in order to support that war.
Here's one of my favorite links and anybody can doubt all the contents all they want so if you don't have it bookmarked it's time to do just that.

The general public would have known better if they had kept redaing a bit more and not believing at face value the propaganda that was churned out.

: The most anyone can hope for is small changes because as long as the present form works it will be around. Lets face it there will never be a perfect government or a utopian society.

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