- Capitalism and Alternatives -

What's stopping you?

Posted by: Siamak ( UK ) on October 24, 1997 at 19:24:05:

In Reply to: Parking: Depends on where and when you are posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on October 24, 1997 at 05:37:33:

: Well, in the short run, I might consider ripping out those stupid grassy boundaries they put down in these corporate parking lots and starting the garden there... the soil isn't so likely to have been compacted there to a great depth. In the long run I can wait for global corporate downsizing to create an oversupply of parking spaces.

And here I was thinking that your original advice to Mike was a blueprint for direct action of the "people power" type. As it turns out, you only "might consider" a minimal action and then wait for capitalism to prepare the right conditions so that you can finalise your plans of bringing down capitalism. How long is "long run" and what if downsizing does not happen?

I think I prefer the alternative route of empowering and organising the working people to fight capitalism rather than relying on dream solutions.

By the way, what is stopping you from doing exactly what you said (planting peas in car parks I mean) right now?

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