- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Pure capitalism is the key.

Posted by: C ( Up North ) on November 09, 1996 at 03:04:07:

Many people here say that capitalism is an unacceptable economic
system. I wish to note that the current capitalistic system used
is NOT capitalism. There are no more true capitalitic states.
All the "capitalist" Western nations have too many social
programs to be given the name capitalist. Also, the capitalism
referred to by most anti-capitalists is not pure capitalism,
but rather mutated capitalism.

Pure capitalism would look like this:
- each industry has many small firms who each have an equal
number of consumers who buy from them
- government interference (ie social programs and legislation)
is non-existant
- people are all generous enough to insure that true police and
fire services are formed by volunteers.
- Goods are produced at such efficiency that they are available
to the population at low prices.
- Everyone who needs to be is employed, because of the
situations above
- People are paid according to their talent and accomplishments
- Because workers are thought of as not just expenses but as
buying power, they are given good wages and working conditions.
As a result, labour unions are unnecessary.

The mutated form of capitalism is the dog-eat-dog system that
people complain about. It is because many people are not always
civil and generous citizens, and often commit crimes. Also,
reed and corruption are rampant. Everyone should be willing to
not get everything they want, and workers should be given
enough respect from management so as they should not have to
form unions. Such attitudes would break monopolies, insure
that everyone gets essential services, gets enough to eat
and has a meaningful life.

And why else is capitalism better than other systems, such as
communism? Communism, with its centralized authority, cannot
predict changes in market change soon enough and produces too
much of what the market doesn't want. Also, with professional
doctors making the same as McDonald's workers, there is little
incentive to get jobs. These problems would not be present in
a pure capitalistic society.

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