- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Re: communism does not work

Posted by: DC ( Sweden ) on November 09, 1996 at 02:18:02:

In Reply to: communism does not work posted by deranged on October 09, 1996 at 01:30:16:

> > Don't you idiots realize there is no better alternative to capitalism?
> > No other system has worked so well to enrich so many-including your
> > pitiful lives. How else could you hypocrites get your stupid message
> > out-In a capitalist system with a computer that costs enough to
> > feed hundereds in the Philippines etc. If your so against "capitalism
> > stop using it's most prominent tools to spread your message.

> > Hypocrites all

> I agree completely with Todd's statement. While we can all try to do our
> part by "treading lightly" (recycyling, reusing, reducing), trying to over-
> throw our capitalist society is not the answer. The experience of the USSR
> shows us that communism does not work, we need to find another way. I think
> that multinationals should strive to become more and more green. While the jobs
> that McDonald's provides might be low-paying, they can serve as an incentive to
> young people to go out and do better.

I don't agree. Communism stand's for the idea that evryone is equal and should
be treated that way. Well that wasn't the thing in the USSR. For a green world I think
we have to practice socialism. Because in mind we should be free because the mind is
endless. But we have to share equal and take care of what the earth give
cause that isn't endless. The capitlastic way of thinking is so foolish. They think that
if you only work hard enough you could be rich. Well if one human beeing get rich someone
else is getting poorer or the nature will be overused!!

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