- Capitalism and Alternatives -

I'll try to remove some of your bliss...

Posted by: The Everett Citizen ( IWW, OBU ) on September 01, 1997 at 20:17:10:

In Reply to: Ignorance is bliss posted by Kevin on September 01, 1997 at 09:52:33:

: You guys need to get out more....and perhaps read a history book now and again...

Some of my favorites, that I would recommend to you:
The American Civil War, Shelby Foote
Europe and the people without History, Eric Wolf
Mill Town (The History of Everett, WA), Norman Clark
The Dry Years (Prohibition and Social Change in Washington), Norman Clark
The Legacy of Conquest (Unbroken past of the American West), Pat Limerick
Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men (The ideology of the republican party before the civil war), Eric Foner
Sons of the Profits (Seattle History), Bill Spiedel
Legends, Lies & Cherished Myths of American History, Richard Shenkman
From Freedom to Slavery, Jerry Spence

That ought to keep you busy for a while.

: ...I wonder if any of you who respond to this site even have worked in a job, or are you merely students filled with piss and vinegar who think that they have an understanding of the world because they have had the privelege of taking some time off from it....

Just so you know, I:

Served 6 Years in the US Marine Corps (back before I recognized that Nationalism is a disease)

I was empoyed as an aircraft mechanic for 5 years, before quitting and starting a "successful" business.

We'll talk more later.

Mike, The Everett Citizen

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