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the Left is doing much more

Posted by: Jouni Snellman ( Finland ) on August 08, 1997 at 21:38:30:

In Reply to: McDemocracy in Action posted by Quincunx on August 06, 1997 at 21:23:10:

: Not everybody who opposes McDonald's is red/communist. How is
: it obvious to you that McDonald's is America's contribution to universal socialism? I don't think a similar colour scheme connects America and universal socialism together. Symbology and irrational jingoism go back a long ways. Advertising/propaganda methods that are similar have been used by competing groups in the past. The cheezy imagery of wholesome happy families used by multinationals in their advertising parallels that of both Soviet and American propaganda (anybody want a debate on the merits of Americanism?) but it sure doesn't make McDonald's to be America's contribution to universal socialism. It wouldn't hurt do some more research on what you term to be the "Left" and you may find that the "Left" is doing much more than targeting McDonald's.

O.K. Quincunx, of course the Left is doing much more. Research on that point is not necessary. Wouldn┤t you agree though that the Left sometimes takes itself a bit too seriously?

Besides, it is not just the colours or the advertising. Socialism in real life - both Soviet and the softer Scandinavian version - implies a unitary mass culture which feeds the average person average food and does not really give a shit about environment despite all fuss to that effect. McD is usually not that bad because you the consumer can at least have the same junk food at the next joint with a different colour label, right? Freedom of choice I guess.

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