- Capitalism and Alternatives -

if no one run's the place, nothing will get done?

Posted by: The Everett Citizen ( IWW, Planet Earth ) on July 28, 1997 at 23:12:23:

In Reply to: if no one run's the place, nothing will get done. posted by Michael Owens on July 27, 1997 at 12:19:08:

"Corporations are totalitarian? I don't think so. You can always buy stock... or leave."

Hah! they let you buy stock as long as:

1) It is not controling interest. They'll never let go of the reins. How much voting stock do YOU own? Don't lie.
2) They give you 10% return while they get 30% on the money you effectivley loaned to them.
3) It stays in your "profit sharing (there's an oxymoron!) plan" so they can raid it when they feel the need.

or you can leave, as long as:

1) You don't have anywhere else to go without starving. (See the real NIKE TOWN, in viet nam or indonesia)
2) You work for their "competitor" who has the same set of hoops to jump through as the first one.
3) You dont go on any form of public assistance, as the korporate bosses have the governmental handout business pretty well in their pockets.

Mike, what planet are you from? Do you really buy this crap or is this just what limbaugh is telling you puppets to spout?

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