: > It seems some people are so hung up on nationalism that they forgot that they
: > are a part of the human race. Not the Greatest Nation on Earth.: While I wish only the best to everyone else, survival/success/strength of
: America is much more important to me than the conditions in the rest of the
: world. Of course, a facet of America's well-being is made up of outside
: conditions. But I believe we should evaluate/manipulate those conditions
: for our benefit, as should every nation.
No man is an island. Nor is a nation. We can value, honour and sustain our sense of national identity - and recognise at the same time that we are globally, politically, ideologically, environmentally, (amongst others) interdependent. We need to value diversity and open our selves to learning from it - not fear or be repelled by it. The sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.