- Capitalism and Alternatives -

god bless America

Posted by: Nick Clarke ( UK ) on July 14, 1997 at 12:24:36:

In Reply to: I DID IT! I got out a dictionary. posted by Michael Owens on July 08, 1997 at 23:35:27:

> American people then rewarded their efforts by buying their services or
> products. That's how capitalism works - through work. And you just watch -
> I'll get rich in my lifetime. My family isn't rich, we are much closer to
> poor and we do not have any part of this nonexistant monopoly. That doesn't
> hold me back - not in America.

Well God bless f**king America. The country that comprises 5% of the worlds population and consumes 25% of the world's resources. The country that brought you Vietnam, McDonalds, The Gulf War, Genetically modified foods and all the other world beating disasters.

You talk of opportunity in your country - oppotunity to contribute to a machine that systematically shifts wealth from the third world into the arms of the fat American shareholder - you too can have that dream car, that eco-nightmare. Tell me, does that opportunity apply to the black people of Harelm and LA SC - I think they'd probably have something to say about American justice and opportunity.

You really have swallowed the whole corporate/clinton propaganda package. It's time you got educated:


should be a good start.

Then try


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