- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Some are more equal than others

Posted by: Ted ( Troublemakers R Us, Madison, WI, USA ) on July 07, 1997 at 11:29:27:

In Reply to: Capitalism offers equality posted by Cara Russell on July 05, 1997 at 23:38:02:

: Capitalism offers equality. It is not equality of results as you would wish, but equality of opportunity. Every one has the same shot. The people at the top are those who are most willing to scramble to get there. That is as fair as it gets.

It's as fair as it gets when the rich make up the rules of the game. "Equality of opportunity" is a great Orwellism. It sounds like we've all got a shot at riches if only we apply ourselves. The reality is quite different--most new business start-ups fail within two years. For the most part, they fail because they are undercapitalized--not because the owner/operator doesn't work hard enough. Bankruptcy courts are filled with failed "entrepreneurs" who lacked the cash to carry them over the rough spots. And every time one of these businesses
goes under, the people who do the grunt work--employees--are out on the streets. The people who get to the top are the ones with the cash (those who are already wealthy) and the lucky breaks. "Hard work" is no guarantee of anything in this capitalist dice game.

:Then you people come along and see the people on the bottom (few as they are) and say "let's make everybody miserable." Sounds like a plan to me.

Another line worthy of George O. People who hold anarchist or socialist beliefs have no desire to see everyone miserable. In fact, they want everyone to prosper. The only people who would be miserable under socialism are those suffering from conspicuous consumption. I'm sure the prospect of life without yachts and mansions is a miserable scenario for them.

: As for that crack about democracy, why is it that the USA is the richest most powerful nation in the world? Democracy seems to be working fine for us. It's better that we are represented by people who make a career out of politics, because people (you) on a whole are generally quite stupid. I really wouldn't want you to be someone who decides how much money is spent on social(ist) programs like Welfare. We'd all be in the poor house. The best of us making decisions for the rest of us.

Also called "elitism". Most capitalists are hostile to a democracy that can't be kept under tight control by big business. Welfare is a socialist program--except that it mainly benefits corporations. McDonalds, for example, received about one million dollars to promote Chicken McNuggets in Singapore. But I guess that kind of welfare is not really welfare after all (Orwell again).

:P.S. Can we please stop with the name calling. I didn't start it and it's quite immature, don't you think?

It's especially immature when people use the term "commies"--as you did in the McJobs debating room.

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