- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Socialism just doesn't work

Posted by: Cara Russell ( God bless America ) on July 04, 1997 at 01:10:36:

In Reply to: Socialism liberates everyone posted by Red Deathy on July 02, 1997 at 19:21:28:

Perhaps you remember a little social experiment a few years back. I seemed like a good idea at the time, yet in the end, it blew up in the faces of those who said it would work. What was that called? Hmmm, I can't seem to remember. Oh, let's see, could it have been the Soviet Union? That's right, now I remember.

Communism, Socialism, Marxism, what ever you want to call it, just doesn't work. It has been proven. Humans are selfish and greedy by nature, it can't be changed. An econimic system must be designed that can accomodate the needs of the human race. Capitalism is the best system that we have tried. On paper communism looks good. But when it is acctually applyed to the real world using real people, it back fires. Under this system there is no incentive to work or work hard. Not everybody can have a free ride at the expense of the government.

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