- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Re:Nature/Nurture redux/reflux...

Posted by: Ben Rollins ( Australia ) on July 22, 1996 at 11:57:14:

In Reply to: Religion can provide a framework for sharing. posted by A. Kent Kingston on July 02, 1996 at 10:28:09:

I've never been sure why the nature/nurture debate
has been polarised in the way it has. It seems to
me perfectly possible to accept that humans may
by nature be predisposed to behave in certain ways,
but that social systems can predispose people to
act in different or alternative ways, even contra-
dictory ways within the same social network. But
not _everyone_ will behave along identical lines:
hence people living in a society governed by
rampant consumerism and mindless greed can dedicate
their lives to caring and support. What does this
tell us? Perhaps that a given social system can
predispose larger proportions of its population to
more or less egregious behaviour.

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