- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

'There is no alternative' is a myth

Posted by: Kris ( USA ) on July 03, 1996 at 18:46:29:

In Reply to: Anyone's who's seen a history book wiil pick capitalism posted by Andrew on June 27, 1996 at 12:39:38:

> So to summarize: There is no perfect political or economic system (a reflection more of the imperfection of Human Beings than a lack of effort) Given the choices, however, anyone who has ever so much as seen a history book will pick free market democratic captialism without so much as a second thought.

So you're just going to accept things the way they are, and not even
think to make things better. TINA (there is no alternative) is a myth.
I don't think you really believe that the capitalist democracy is the
best real economic system that humans can come up with. If people
didn't shake this myth a few hundred years ago, we'd all still be living
under a king of some sort, with much less freedom than we have today.
If humans are so "imperfect", how did we get this far? How much farther
can we go?


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