- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: the great economic issue of the 20th century: capitalism v. communism

Posted by: Red Deathy ( Red Deathy Party, UK ) on May 18, 1997 at 00:13:11:

In Reply to: the great economic issue of the 20th century: capitalism v. communism posted by Sophie Ambrose on May 15, 1997 at 10:02:40:

I think this may well be too late, but:

the imprtant thing you must realise for your paper is that there has not been a communis economy in this century (In fact 'd dare to suggest that Communist Economy is an oxymoron- Communism is about getting rid of the economy, and placing human agency first...). Even USSR (Degenerate workers state my foot) never called itself a communist economy- it thought of itself as Socialist (Claiming that state socialism was part of a transitional phase to true communism). However, almost everyone- including the Trots, god bless 'em, consider the USSR to have been State Capitalist- that is a country run by the capitalist system (Accumulation of capital, division of labour and property) but that it exchanged a bourgeoisie for a bureaucratic class (the party). Essentailly, there was nothing different between the economy of russia and that of America. (Even Americ does not implement full Laissez Faire capitalism, arms spending suports a great deal of the economy). The other important thing to note is that communism cannot be established in one country (AS the Trots claim happened in russia, even temporarilly). Capitalism is a world wide system, and it can only be replaced by a world wide system. thus you can never have communist and capitalist states in competetion- it can't happen, trust me....

Red Deathy

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