- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: Mondragon and American Capitalism

Posted by: Red Deathy ( Deathy Party, UK ) on May 18, 1997 at 00:11:06:

In Reply to: Mondragon and American Capitalism posted by Vaughan Sanderson on May 17, 1997 at 10:32:15:

> My understanding of Mondragon is weak, however here goes. Mondragon is a form
> of " workers capitalism " decisions are made collectively by consensus perhaps
> from the bottom, there is still hierachy and certain wage and authority
> divisions but the employees own the firm ( I think ).

Whilst this may be nicer for the worders in the firm, they are still forced by the structural imperatives of capitalism to shaft their fellow workers in other firms.
ALso, regardless of whether they substantially own the firm, they will still be compelled to behave in the same manner of all competative firms, and shed jobs at the relevent point of the cycleof accumulation.
Further, it would retain the inherently alienating features of the modern capitalist production system, and even if it was installed as the system across the world, it would not lead to universal human emancipation. Ok, the betting would be tha competing teams of workers would stop competing and work together, but that would inexorably lead to the abolition of proerty and money (Hooray).

> Mondragon has some problems which are developing, overall worker satisfaction
> is greater. Its kind of a cross from some anarcho-syndicalist ideas with
> capitalism ( maybe I'm out of line ). Its in spain isn't it . well Spainds
> anarchist experiments in the 1930's may be something to consider.
> Learn about worker self - management here

Anarcho-syndicalism cannot work, and indeed should not work- capitalism sucks, however its caried out....

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