- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: Capitalism is opportunity, freedom and equality. In short, the Answer

Posted by: Ted ( Madison, WI, USA ) on May 10, 1997 at 09:52:41:

In Reply to: Capitalism is opportunity, freedom and equality. In short, the Answer posted by Isaac on May 08, 1997 at 13:10:57:

> With capitalism, one could rise to the top. With communism, one will stay
> with the rest, in the gutter!

Millions of people are in the gutters and on the streets of America and
other capitalist countries. The number of disposable humans increases
daily, as the capitalist bosses find ways to make more profits with
fewer wage-slaves.

> Wouldn't you like to be free to earn success, to have the chance to rise,
> to get back what you put in? Of course you would.

Most workers put in far more than they will ever get back. That is the
definition of capitalism.

> You did not spend all those years at school studying to be a genius so you can
> earn the same amount of money as some idiot who now earns the same amount for
> doing less because the socialist government says that everyone should be
> equal.

There are many well-educated people among the unemployed. Education and
aptitude are no guarantees of success in capitalist society. In order
to "achieve", a person needs to be cunning and heartless. A system that
gives the greatest rewards to those with the least compassion is a
disgusting system.

> In a capitalist society, you have the opprotunity to learn whatever you want
> and become whatever you want. You have the freedom to choose to rise higher
> then other people for your own personal reasons. And everyone has these
> rights. In that sense, we are all equal.

The only right a worker has under capitalism is the right to choose
a master. Once under the control of a boss, he or she no longer has
any rights except those granted by the "superior". Workers are told
when to show up, when to go home, and what to do in between. They are
monitored, evaluated and disciplined. They are paid a small fraction
of the value they produce for the boss. If they refuse the master's
orders, they can be "fired" and the cycle begins again.

Under this kind of near-total submission to authority, all talk of
rights and freedoms is a cruel joke.

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