- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: You're all WRONG

Posted by: HELEN ( AUSTRALIA ) on May 08, 1997 at 13:43:54:

In Reply to: You're all WRONG posted by DJ Kenny Ken on April 08, 1997 at 16:11:22:

I think that all socialist revolutionaries should grow up

Just how old are you DJ Kenny Ken? How much research have you done on this,
your ignorance is extremely frightening.

The inescapable fact is that we have a capitalist system is
because it works.

Sure those who are pulling in the dollars kid themselves into thinking it works, but as if they're about to complain: it is this system that is making them richer. Go out into the world for a day or too and see how many people agree that our current society is satisfactory for all!

In Soviet Russia there was hardly anything in the shops and virtually no nightlife. Besides, if you wanted a PC or something like that and made a fuss you got shot (admit it, you all bought PC's from capitalist companies, you hypocritical fakirs).

This is a poor comparison to make, while soviet Russia was theoretically attempting to to live an ideallistic communist society, the facts are that those in power were corrupted by money and obsession of power, they lost their ideals and lied to their people. There is more of a parralel to be drawn here rather than a contrast. Soviet Russia is an unfortunate example of people becoming obsessed with their power.

McDonalds make money because they sell a (just) edible meal for three quid, which is what people want.

Unfortunately this is where you just can't hide your ignorance anymore DJ Kenny Ken, McDonald's make money because they lie to their consumers saying their food is healthy, they can make their burgers cheaply because they underpay and overwork their staff and they take advantage of third-world countries cheap labour and land, destroying the natural cycle of the environment in the meantime and ruining those underprivledged people's livelihood.!!!!!

P.S. I bet most of you have eaten a McDonald's at least once in your life and you can't all be falling over with CJD.

I'll have you know there are a lot more implications in eating Macdonalds than acquiring Kreuzfeld-Jakobs-Disease, Do some research boy. I highly recommend to you that you read the current edition of "permaculture international journal" page9:"THE CRUNCH"

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