- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: You're all WRONG

Posted by: Gideon Hallett ( UK ) on April 09, 1997 at 12:00:20:

In Reply to: You're all WRONG posted by DJ Kenny Ken on April 08, 1997 at 16:11:22:

> I think that all socialist revolutionaries should grow up.

Maybe you should finish school before spouting crap?

> The inescapable fact is that we have a capitalist system is because it works.

Which is like saying that because we can stay up for 8 hours it's an inescapable fact that we don't need sleep. How much of the world's natural resources have we squandered since the Industrial Revolution?

(I've got a degree in Remote Sensing - which involves looking at the Earth from space. I therefore think my opinion is more informed)

> made a fuss you got shot (admit it, you all bought PC's from :capitalist
> companies, you hypocritical fakirs)

Computers aren't necessarily capitalist - there is nothing in their motherboards that has the stupidity.

I don't practice mysticism of any sort. Therefore I am not a fakir.
I think your limited vocabulary was thinking of "faker".

> McDonalds make money because they sell a (just) edible meal for :three quid,
> which is what people want.

People want it because they're told to want it, and because it's cheap and easy. Not because it's good for them or the planet.

> P.P.S. In a democracy the people should be allowed to have what they :want, > and what the proles actually want is cheap burgers.

Oh really, and if the people want to be allowed to commit murder?
Or destroy the planet?

People _should_NOT_be_allowed_what_they_want_all_the_time_ . It's
called "society". I'm not advocating heirarchy or coercion but you
can't always do what you want. Simple as that.

> P.P.P.S I reckon you're all pinko intellectuals who haven't attended
> a proper demo in your miserable little lives.

2 anti-student-grant-cuts demos, 3 anti-racism ones, 2 big anti-CJB ones (check the 18/9/94 New Statesman + Society, I'm the long-haired one pulling a silly face) and 4 or 5 RTS/anti-road protests in Bath and London (6 including Saturday/Sunday's). My life ain't miserable by a long chalk.

Pinko?! Mwahahahaha, it's been _years_ since I heard that one.


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