- Capitalism and Alternatives -

encourage compassionate and just society

Posted by: ani ( 223 Freedom&Mutual-aid Ctr, USA ) on April 08, 1997 at 00:03:23:

In Reply to: I think personal revolution might be the answer. posted by Joline Swonger on April 03, 1997 at 19:14:48:

Joline wrote:
> ... [Steinbeck seemed to say] the answer to the problems
> of capitalism was personal revolutions, for people to
> evolve to a piont where they felt responsible for all of
> humanity. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong
> with the capitalistic system, but, like any system without
> a strong ethical base, capitalism has become brutal.

Ah, the crucial problem here is that capitalism is, in
fact, antithetical to the notion that each and every one
of us are responsible for the good of the whole. At it's
foundation is the concept of profitting from another
persons labor. It is a system that is inherently divisive
keeping the many stepping all over each other to grab at
the few (and getting fewer) crumbs tossed our way.

I believe that we need a system that encourages a
compassionate and just society, wherein the good of the
community is tended to by all of its members. I see that
this is utterly impossible under the capitalist system. I
think that what we need to work towards are worker owned
collectives, a system of shared responsibility and shared
benefit. I'm not advocating "socialism" as was practiced
by Eastern Europe, for that system did nearly as little
for the good of its people as does amerikan capitalism,
what with athoritarian government and wholesale disregard
for natural resources and environmental health. Instead,
I advocate a whole new way of relating to each other. A
way based on personal freedom, mutual aid, compassion and
respect for the earth that sustains us. If you need to
label this vision, Anarcho-syndicalist will do.

In Solidarity----ani

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