- Capitalism and Alternatives -

helping to finance doctors new porsche

Posted by: pureNoiz ( global Noise inducer, United states of Apathy ) on March 24, 1997 at 02:33:21:

In Reply to: WE NEED CAPITALSIM! posted by Paul on March 19, 1997 at 22:39:11:

: WE NEED CAPITALISM! If we didn't have capitalism here in the USA,
: many things would go wrong. Our HEALTH CARE would drop to almost
: nothing because all of our DOCTORS that make 200 K - 500 K a year
: would say "Screw this... I'm not going to bust my butt to save
: peoples lives and make the same amount of MONEY as someone working
: at McDonalds. EFFECT: Doctors leave... move to CAPITALISTIC country.

In america we have these great "insurance" plans. HMO's(Health Maintenence Organizations). It's really a quite a deceptive term. You see, they don't maintain heatlh, or in the least bit promote or educate people in the idea preventitive medicine. HMO's in actuality are somewhat destructive to our health. They have transformed from paying out benifets on medical practice based on NEED, to COST. SO in effect they determine what coverage you recieve based on how much a particular operation is. But then again in America with a large percentage of the country without insurance, many don't need to worry about this, since they can't afford to help finance their doctors new porsche!

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