- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: Misconceptions

Posted by: Scott Luberda ( USA ) on March 12, 1997 at 10:02:20:

In Reply to: Misconceptions posted by Glenn Brightwell on March 10, 1997 at 13:37:33:

I am an anarchist, and i believe i know the difference between communism and anarchism. communists believe that the proletariat need some kind of leadership to take things over, a vanguard party if you will, and anarchists believe that the proletariat are intelligent and resourceful enough to do it on their own. as we have seen by the USSR, communism has not been able to fully blossom by the very fact that the vanguard party fails to give up control. that's why communism really isn't the route that should be taken in my opinion. as has been illustrated by the spanish anarchist revolution, the people don't need phony leaders to redistribute land and such. they are capable of working things out on their own.

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