- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: The net is information anarchism

Posted by: chickadee ( Allegheny Earth First!, USA ) on March 08, 1997 at 09:38:44:

In Reply to: The net is information anarchism posted by Vaughan Sanderson on July 04, 1996 at 08:57:06:

i agree with Josh Harper (hey, i've seen your name on the EnviroForum) in that the Intenet is unlikely to be a tool for freedom. i am very much a net.head and have seen great things done with the Internet...it excites me. However, corporations and government are tightening their grip on the Internet. Look at all the advertising on the WWW...its insane. Look how difficult it is nowadays to send secure e-mail. Even with PGP there are dangers. Look at AOL's monopolization of the ISP industry. Look at the attempt to charge by the minute net fees. Scary stuff.

Maybe i shouldn't be too negative...maybe we can fight back...resist...

Oh, by the way, i chuckled at Josh's reference to Bakunin and Goldman at the end of one paragraph and the advocacy of anarcho-capitalism in the next.

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