- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: Capitalism, Communism. Almost exactly the same.

Posted by: Bernino Lind ( dk ) on February 11, 1997 at 20:07:27:

In Reply to: Capitalism, Communism. Almost exactly the same. posted by Aaron on February 07, 1997 at 02:59:25:

Please, you should not mingle the abstracts communism and socialsm.

In communism you havent got a state, government or any of the other abstracts created by the national state to support the devolopment of capitalism.

Communism is therefor the same ultimately, as is anarchism. The only difference is the way you achieve a commuinistic world. Karl Marx says via socialism, which is basicly what you had in USSR and still in China, Cuba and others - socialism is a way to "raise" the general public to communistic way of thinking: everyone helps everyone.

Anarchism on the other hand, says that it is possible to go directly to the communstic world directly from capitalism.

You should read the Manifest, and Karl Marx / Fr. Engels work in general, to really understand these ideas.


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