- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Trying to create a New Economics

Posted by: Osbert Lancaster ( New Economics Network Scotland, Scotland ) on June 01, 1996 at 13:40:50:

In Reply to: Re: Absurd value placed on money posted by will on May 10, 1996 at 14:02:22:

: : What`s wrong with this world?

: : So-called nationalist 'political' groups can make all the racist comments they like about
: : real people, under the banner of 'freedom of speech'

: : Two individuals aren`t allowed to say what they feel about a money-making
: : organisation?

: : Why is there this absurd value placed on money?

: Its truly sickening- you can't eat money, can't make
: clothes with it, no good for building houses, it
: makes really bad entertainment (tried reading a
: bank note?) - and most importantly, the people
: who need it most (the poor and those excluded from
: society) have so little, and those who use it
: so irresponsably (McD, most governments, armys etc)
: have it all

: its not absurd - the bastrard just have us completly
: stiched up

: cheers

: will

Money is a useful tool, but it has been elevated to a
ridiculous status where everything has to be measured in
money - or it doesn't have value.

Many people and organisations in different parts of the
world are trying to create a New Economics which
recognises other measures of value, eg New Economics
Foundation in London. links to NEF and other relevant sites
are available from New Economics Network Scotland, a
local group of NEF.

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