- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Now, I issue you a challenge

Posted by: Simon Kongshoj ( unaffiliated, Denmark, Fort Europe ) on January 14, 1998 at 19:37:50:

In Reply to: A Challenge.... posted by Comrade Jeff on January 14, 1998 at 09:27:33:

: Ten years ago, I would have been alarmed at these posts...Today, you're all a bunch of laughing stocks, clinging to such a bankrupt ideology. Why? I don't understand and need to know why intelligent idividuals can hate capitalism, a proven recipe for prosperity for most of the nations that have embraced it.

: I issue you a challenge...try and convince me to give up capitalism.

: I'm 37 years old, HS grad with some college. I've been employed (enslaved?) with a large air express company for 16 years. During this time, I have purchased two homes and through my 401k, investments in the stock market and shrewd timing as regards to my real estate purchases, my wife and I now have a net worth of over a quarter of a million dollars (in case this is confusing to you 5-year planners, net worth is asset value minus debt).

: My retirement is not yet assured, but a college education for my children is. So far, so good.

: The big test for you socialists: Tell me why I should forsake a system that rewards risk, hard work and perseverence for one that punishes individuals who succeed.

: I can't wait for your replies.........

You find it just that the success of parents is what defines success of their children? ANYONE should have the right to an education, not just those whose parents can afford it. Binding offspring to the success of their parents is pure and simple injustice, and why? Because of that 'freedom' concept most capitalists cling so steadfastly to. Freedom is good, but a freedom not equally available to all is not a valid freedom.

Oh yes, it is just SO obvious that the nations who have embraced capitalism are prosperous. Take the USA for example. The USA stands for one-third the pollution in the world, which even the most indoctrinated capitalist should recognize as the danger it is.

Socialism punishes those who succeed? I would sure like to see what gramme of faulty logic you base that on. True socialism is meant to allow success to anyone, no matter their income. Not guarantee success, which is impossible, but to allow it. A black man in Harlem should have the same opportunity as a white in Beverly Hills.

I don't expect this post to have changed much, because you probably won't understand. You will think "what's in it for me", "what's in it for USA", or something along the lines of that. That sort of profit-based logic is almost a prerequisite to the right wing, while those on the other side of the spectrum argue from why socialism is NEEDED, not what is to GAIN from it.

And in the end, there will be no alternative. Socialism is not an 'ultimate society' (if it were, that would expect all History to end when we have socialism), there will probably be something after that too. Like there will be something after capitalism - which, however, some people have been indoctrinated enough to reject.

Except eco-fascism possibly, but I for one hope that mankind will come to its senses before that sets in.

Now, I issue you a challenge. Answer me this basic question: What is freedom - or how do you define it?

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