- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Re: Laughing At American Ignorance

Posted by: ME ( USA ) on January 31, 1997 at 04:29:52:

In Reply to: Re: Laughing At American Ignorance posted by Raymond S. Diamond on January 30, 1997 at 18:24:31:

Maybe "true communism" isin't so bad but the
Soviets sure made it look bad in front of the
world and China isin't helping. Also just like
Communism the Capitlism you see today isin't what
true Capitilism was supposed to be. Also whats
wwrong with major corpartion it gives people jobs
they make competion so products get better and
cheaper. For instance about a decade ago
computers were room sized and cost millions. But
now look they can be as big as book and be as
cheap as you want. This would be ipossible in
governmetn contolled companies. Why do you think
American products are overall much better products
then Russia's products.

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