- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Re: Where does capitalism work?

Posted by: Captain Freedom ( International Organization to Foster Appreciation of Young Capitalists, USA!!!! ) on January 26, 1997 at 20:25:19:

In Reply to: Where does capitalism work? posted by Terje Karlsen on January 17, 1997 at 03:37:14:

> > What has communism provided? Lots of instability and unnecessary
> > revolution since its existence. Capitalism is a stabilitating
> > force that has enabled the followers of the system to prosper,
> > for the most part. People complain about government taking away
> > freedoms and property, but in communist places the government
> > has everything! Listen to the hypocrisy of many people
> > complaining about capitalism. Yet it is the vehicle that allows
> > people to drive for success.

Bravo! Chris. Note the neutral advocacy of an ideology. No personal attacks here.
Why is it that only the capitalists seem to be able to make an argument without stooping
to low blows and personal insults? Could it be because of a highly deveoloped sense of
decency that comes with living in a country vibrant with growth and freedom?
Why, yes! Of course.

Listen, Chris, all these Eurotrash geeks (oops, so much for the sense of decency)
have too much time on their hands due to the welfare hammock so they spend their
time personally attacking aspiring young people such as yourself. Don't bother
reading Marx, and Chomsky and all the rest. It would be a waste of your time.

The future belongs to the capitalists.
Look at the facts: the US dominates the rest of the world in Information Technologies - CDMA,
networks Chip design, R&D. Europe has NO computer designers or manufactureres of significance.
Why? because of state planning. The future is going to be a very fast moving place, and a
state run economy will NEVER be fast enough to keep up.

> How many countries can you name that has succeded
> in making capitalism work? None if you ask me.

If you asked anyone else, they would memtion countries such as the USA!!,
Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan, Chile.
Europe is by and large capitalist, but an infatuation with socialism
keeps them dragging the bottom of the growth chart.

> The result is always poverty for many and extreme wealth for few.

Equal opportunity is the name of the game. Check out President Bill Clinton.
He was born white trash. Today he is the president of the most powerful
country in the world. I don't like the guy, but I respect his achievment.

> How can this be defended?

Easy. People are voting with their feet every minute of every day.
They say "I vote for America."

> How can you say that capitalistic/imperialistic countries have made
> an effort in the peoples needs except for their own undeserved needs.

Not sure you know what your are talking about here.

> And why do everybody think that the eastern block countries ever lived
> under communism. Stalin called his country communist, but that does NOT
> mean he followed communist ideology when building USSR.

Look, Lenin started his revolution, millions of people died,
the system eventually collapsed, Them's are the facts, revisionist Jack.

> Stalin did never want anything else but power to himself.

But you're better. When you're in charge, all will be peace and harmony.

> Communism as it should be is (and must be to survive) democratic.

Sounds good. Let's have an election right now. Capitalism or Communism.

> It is the only ideology which can provide equal human rights for
> all. And that is by eliminating people the possibility to exercise
> power abuse over another human. Capitalism will not work if not someone
> are left out of the society. Capitalism will always give a few the
> right to exploit the weaker.

Right, all we need are some robots to run the system
and we'll all be safe from each other.

> Before posting a reply to this you must read a bit about marx/lenin/
> trotsky/mao too see that Stalin's dictatorship does not include
> communism as these people, and many others today, see it in the future.

You don't understand. Marx, Mao, trotsky and all they stood for are burning
in hell right now for the deaths of untold millions of innocent human beings.
Why should I waste my time reading about a DEAD ideology?

Now I have to go. I think I see some peasants who need exploiting.

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