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Re: Don't forget your own ISMs

Posted by: Robert M. Mitrocsak ( Korea ) on December 22, 1997 at 10:35:29:

In Reply to: Don't forget your own ISMs posted by The Everett Citizen on December 21, 1997 at 20:53:29:

Michael, my dear chap,

Thank you very much indeed for the kind response. May the Lord Jesus Christ richly Bless you today.

Sometimes (more often than I would like to admit) I too need a thump on the head. I agree with your precept, that is, it is very possible that any organisation can indeed be overtaken with man's ego and therefore become an "ism" whether it is ostensibly Christian or not. This clearly is an affront to God. And this may be the defining characteristic of what I refer to as an "ism". That is, man creating something, and then worshiping what he creates (idolotry). In fact, I would argue that ALL churches are in need of CONTINUAL cleansing so that they do not become an "ism". This cleansing can not come from the (flawed) mind of man, but only from the Grace of God.

Contrary to popular belief, Jesus did NOT teach us to be religious (denominational, if you will), instead He taught us to be Godly in His ways. In fact, the harshest criticism that He ever gave was TOWARDS the religious of His day, as you so aptly pointed out in Matthew 6:5. Matthew 23 is even a lengthier example of this type of chastisement.

A modern day example of this dichotomy may be found in Bosnia. There a many religious people there (Catholic, Orthodox, and Muslim). But how many truly Godly people live there?

Now, how do we recognise Godly worship as opposed to religiousness? Several characteristics of Christian worship are quite evident. 1) They are praiseful in their worship of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2) They have as their central teaching, salvation in the shed blood of Jesus on Calvary. 3) They preach an uncompromised Gospel, and if a human error is made they admit it and repent. 4) They love Jesus Christ first.

Since salvation is an individual Gift from God no physical earthly church or "ism" is sufficient to supply this. Salvation must come only from God's Grace. How do we receive God's Grace? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8).

If the churches that you have attended, or have heard about, do not have these basic characteristics, then they will surely grow increasingly apostate over time. However, it is our job to try to bring the church back (through prayer, Godly example, Christian love, witnessing the Word of God, and quiet correction of those who are drifting away) to its Christian mandate. If that fails, then still pray for those dear ones and find a church that does indeed fulfill Christ's mandate.

Now, for the hypocrites who pray in public (Matthew 6:5). You are indeed correct that we are to walk humbly with the Word of God, in all of our prayers and actions. However, you left out the last sentence of this verse "I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full." The people that Jesus was speaking about here were seeking an EARTHLY reward (possibly ego, possibly money) and thus trying to impress their fellow citizens with their religiousness. And Jesus goes on in 6:7 "and do not keep on babbling like pagans" which means that these religious people were simply reciting prepared or memorized script rather than speaking from the heart, again in order to impress their fellow man rather than to please God. I hope that you don't get the impression that I seek an earthly reward for prayers. It is my hope that the person that I am praying for recieve a Blessing from God in the form of Eternal salvation. Please, nothing earthly for me, all glory directed towards God. Allow God to build our treasures in Heaven.

In witnessing the Word of God to our dear brothers and sisters it is quite acceptable to humble ourselves before God in prayer, even if others are watching. After all, we are not seeking an earthly reward like the Pharisees that Jesus spoke about, we are instead seeking Eternal Life with Jesus Christ in His Heavenly Kingdom.

May I humbly pray for you? O Heavenly Father, Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit thank you for this opportunity to share the Gospel with this dear one. Forgive me O Lord if I have indeed been a hypocrite for I am surely a sinner. Your shed blood, Jesus, has saved me and I pray that You will also lead Michael into Your Kingdom. In Your Holy Name I pray this. Amen.

Michael, dear friend, again thank you very much indeed for your coorespondence and may you receive God's richest and most abundant Blessings.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Robert M. Mitrocsak

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