- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Read and think before you write

Posted by: Comrade Zeus ( Wanna Be Lenin Club, USA ) on December 18, 1997 at 15:20:57:

In Reply to: Flamming posted by Dan on December 16, 1997 at 22:22:47:

: Enough of the flames! If you cant support your views in a logical manner then there is either a problem with your views or a problem with the person spouting said views.

: If everyone doesnt agree with you, then its your job to convince them. Childish antics should not be tolerated on a "moderated" forum.

Look at you.. Gerard has proven everything to his full capabilities while you just sit around on your fat ass saying "you don't have any proof" and shit like that... why don't you just got off his back unless you have something inteligent or agruable to say rather then wining!!! He has been doing the best he can trying to convince everyone and you sit there cliaming he didn't do anything! Read and think before you write it you who is the child! And as for nooone agreeing with him... bullshit.. I agred with almost everything he said!!! Please don't be an asshole... thanks and have a great day.

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