- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Re: Communism is idiotic

Posted by: |RED| ( SWEDEN ) on January 24, 1997 at 01:39:16:

In Reply to: Re: Communism is idiotic posted by daniel on January 09, 1997 at 11:46:38:

> > If you actually think that communism is a good think you need to
> > stop smoking whatever you are smoking. Have you ever heard of
> > the phase "history repeats itself" Look at the USSR. Maybe you
> > should get off your butt and learn something from others
> > mistakes.
> Hi Katy!
> never expected to find you here.
> I support what you are saying.
> But capitalism is not perfect.
> -greed drives the wages to sweat shop prices
> -greed helps destroy the enviroment
> -and it makes some services more expensive then
> they cost
> but it is the best found so far

Oh I'm so sorry for you. Are the luxuries
getting to expensive? Capitalist moron.
The payback of USA's overconsumption is
soon comig to get you.


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