- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Dan bugger off!

Posted by: Gerard ( Socialists, N.Ireland ) on December 17, 1997 at 15:52:45:

In Reply to: Re: You have a twisted dream posted by Dan on December 16, 1997 at 22:22:19:

: : You like the idea that people are straving or are compelled to commit :crime so that you can live comfortably. You people make me sick!

: ah, I see now. This doesnt happen in um ... lets see Cuba. Thats right they're communist so only Castro gets to live comfortably while the rest starve.
Does that make it O.K. your opponent is just as guilty so you are now justified. Cuba has these same problems but a lot less people would be starving if the U.S. wasnt attacking cuba day and daily. Who told you Castro lives comfortably and the rest of the nation lives in misery now your just spouting senseless CIA propaganda.

: : What the fuck is your problem withthe state

: Where to begin, maybe how horrible inefficient they are,
Capitalism is inefficient not the state, democracy is inefficient because only the parties with 'safe' policies get voted for, you said before that unrestrained capitalism was as terrible as communism in your view now you contradict yourself.

:maybe because the state you suggest would take away my freedom to live the life I choose to;
Now what your talking about is liberty and liberty is not in conflict with socialism when socialist states have imposed restriction on peoples lives it has been under emergency situations and this happens in your system too does it not?

:moreover, the freedom for us to have this discussion.
Just you keep talking and I'll keep shovelling. Where do you get this shit from the USSR or China well I think its been said before that they where corrupt.
: : stupid people like you
: Please lets not start down that path
Why I do think your stupid for not realising that the logic that has been handed down to you is designed for a specific purpose of maintaining the status quo. I dont mean this in an overtly insulting way its just some people wont be roused from their conformity if you dont enrage them.
: : What silly questions I would genuinely like to know how stupid :someone could be to ignore the facts and defend the indefensable.

: now you've stopped meaningful discussion and turned to flames. It appears that you choose to manipulate the facts to fit your opinions and that is indefensable.
I manipulate the facts? You have manipulated nearly every post I have made, you have sought to degree my perfectly good arguments but resorting to caracture assasination. Please realise that the media, government, every company from McD's to Microsoft has been manipulating the facts and manipulating you!

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