- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

An Undeniable Discrepancy of Ideologies

Posted by: A Voice ( USA ) on January 22, 1997 at 12:12:28:

The Two punks have identified an important difference
between Stalinism and Communism as outlined by Marx, Lenin and
Trotsky. Stalin's government was unmistakably a totalitarian
regime. The political power was supposedly held by the
Communist Party but was in reality even more centralized in the
upper echelons of the CP. The rank-and-file had realitively
little decision making ability. When Stalin was in power the
entire nation was subject to his calculations as illustrated in
the purges before WWII which cleared the government of most of
its senior officials and the military of its most experienced
and capable officers. The purges were the most important factor
that allowed Germany to be so successful early in its campaign
against the USSR.
Stalinism is sharply in contrast with the ideals set forth
by Marx, Lenin and Trotsky. If one read only a little of their
writings one would get a sense of the equality and liberty that
these brilliant men believed so dearly in. Liberty and Equality
are two words that are typically used in conjunction with
Capitalism. There are few Americans today that would say
Capitalism breeds equality and liberty is certainly becoming a
pervasive issue as the actions of certain militia groups and
right-wing groups have pointed out. Everyone who I speak in
depth with about Communism and Capitalism eventually concede
that Communism would be nice to live under, but it could never
come about. This cynicism both saddens me and fills me with
hope. I am saddened to know that the Capitalism in which we
live under has so effectively institutionalized cynicism that
people will not work toward a goal for fear of not reaching it.
In my mind the noblest gesture is to persevere against all odds
even when failure is inevitable.
I am also filled with hope, however. I feel strongly
enough about the rightness of Communism that making people aware
of its true nature is a step toward seeing a workers revolution.
Education is the light that leads us out of the blackness of
misunderstanding and ignorance. If it falls to me to teach
about Communism and the plight of the Working Class and I
execute my station well than I will die a happy man.

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